Fortunately, TechApplication had been retained to WebCast the event. This meant that resources and technologies were already in place to use the internet to support the Summit. Over the weekend and into Monday, phone calls flew back and forth about whether to pull the plug on the entire event or not. In the end, it was decided to go ahead with the Summit as well as the WebCast. After all, as Mary Hanson, the DHS producer, for the event put it: "What kind of message would it send if DHS canceled just because of a little inclement weather." Ok, granted it was more than a little inclement weather, it was a real record buster, but she was right and certainly had the right attitude!
We already had the capability in place to simultaneously WebCast out of Washington DC . So with two channels at our disposal, we quickly came up with a plan to WebCast our key presenters from the Vermont facility in Washington on Channel 2, capture that WebCast in Los Alamos, and then composite the whole thing and re-WebCast the results to our worldwide online audience on channel 1. Easy as pie. Only we had never actually done that before. On the other hand, if everything was handled just right, there was no reason it shouldn’t work. We got everything ready and even managed a small test window, one hour before show time. In the technology stunt world, we like to call that a white knuckle rehearsal.
FLASHBACK. Diddle Dee, Diddle Dee, Diddle Dee... Schwing - we were reminded of the following movie scene:
Darn if things didn’t get worse in Washington! Word came down that all government facilities would be shut down on Tuesday. That meant, even if our scheme was going to work perfectly, no one was going to be able to get into the Washington facility to WebCast out.
It looked to me like we were all set to punt - without a ball. “iPhones! We can use iPhones as instant phone bridges”, enthused Nik, the project’s engineer.
Hmmm. Applying iPhone Technology to solve the problem.... He was right. The iPhone is a hybrid phone and audio device.We should be able to integrated it into the WebCast. Of course, we were on a mountain, in a snowstorm, with no access to Radio Shack, Frys or Best Buy! We would only be able to use what we had on hand.

The only trick is the arcane knowledge that Apple did not pin the iPhone as you would expect. Surprised? Hey this is Apple... marchers to their own tune, drummers of their own beat!
So.... The red and white RCA pin jacks are not the Left and Right audio out of the iPhone with this cable.
The white jacks is AUDIO OUT - Left,
The yellow jack is AUDIO OUT - Right,
While the red jack (shown with an XLR adapter) is mono AUDIO IN - which we hooked to a mixer output back into the iPhone letting the remote presenter hear the moderator.
These are all "line level" signals and compatible with pretty much anything audio.
You need to mute the phone's mic to avoid feedback once the presenter is on line.
In the blink of an eye, we were integrated into the house audio and the Newtek Tricaster we were using for the event, and before your could say “Shouldn’t we try to rehearse this?” our first phoned in presenter was live on our worldwide WebCast, with the second on standby on iPhone #2.
The only real problem we had was the 20-30 second standard WebCast delay, which the presenters had to contend with. This caused mild hassles with their instructions to advance slides, and seeing the results, as well as a delay during Q&A sections. Otherwise, it was fantastic. The audio quality was great, the interaction smooth, and the event a success.
All we needed was a commonly available cable, and knowing how to plug it in. It was a real McGuiver experience. OK. That was the last obscure media reference in this posting!
This is Theo (and Nik) applying iPhone technology to WebCasts!
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